Tlatenchi Cultural Center and Kindergarten
Taller CD

The Culture Centre and Kindergarten (CADI) Tlatenchi although part of the same commission, they are distinct yet synergistic projects located on separate sites known as "residual lots".

At the core of these projects lies the contemporary integration of the brick vault, highlighting its structural functionality and modern expressive potential.

This approach entailed a revival of the traditional craftsmanship of master bricklayers in Tlatenchi, where knowledge has been transmitted across generations. By adopting the Catalan vault system, expansive areas could be covered without requiring intermediate supports, thereby improving air circulation within the buildings.

The design approach maintains coherence despite the lack of a direct physical connection between the Culture Centre and Kindergarten.

This challenge inspired an integration of landscape and structures, accomplished through the use of consistent materials in terms of color, layout, and structural solutions. The adoption of Catalan vaults further enhances the presentation of both entities as a unified whole.

Recognizing the seismic vulnerability of the Jojutla region, adequate structural knowledge was implemented.

Load-bearing walls were exposed to serve as the foundation of the structural system, constructed with extruded brick, while clay brick was used for the vaults. This conscientious approach arose from the tragic events of the 2017 earthquake, underscoring the critical importance of informed construction practices.

In consideration of the natural flows that residents once traversed between streets, the original paths were reintroduced.

Given the predominantly hot and humid climate, the architectural design prioritizes materials that regulate thermal conditions.

Openings are strategically placed to promote cross-ventilation, ensuring effective temperature control in public buildings where air conditioning may not be feasible.

Culture Centre and Kindergarten (CADI) Tlatenchi is a pioneering initiative dedicated to creating vibrant, cohesive spaces within the Tlatenchi community.

They created creating nodal points in each center: a grandstand in the Casa de Cultura and a courtyard in the CADI. The selection of materials, including extruded and clay bricks, extends to courtyards, stairways, and walkways, fostering a seamless visual and functional connection between spaces.

The joint development of the Culture Centre and Kindergarten projects reflects a commitment to innovative design, community integration, and sustainable architecture.

A project Taller CD
Location Santa María Tlatenchi, Jojutla, Morelos, MX
Year 2023
Design team
Alberto Cejudo Nuñez & Jocelyn Gutiérrez Miranda
Program Cultural center + kindergarten
Area 910sqm
Promoter SEDATU
Construction manager UPEDU

Photography © Andrés Cedillo

a project powered by Itinerant Office

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